Buy Eclipse Glasses NOW

Buy Eclipse Glasses NOW

April 8 there will be a total solar eclipse visible for a bunch of Mexican, American, and Canadian viewers. On the day, people will be scrambling for solar eclipse glasses.…
Science News Quiz #9

Science News Quiz #9

You want to nail that job interview? Science has a way to do that, while keeping pain to a minimum. Also, Bigfoot.
Science News Quiz #8

Science News Quiz #8

Your dog is muddy, your brothers and sisters are driving you nuts, and you have one hour to escape this room. What do you do?
Science News Quiz #7

Science News Quiz #7

What's the plan for getting to other stars in a few decades, instead of 80,000 years? Find out, with this week's Science News Quiz.
My Top Five Biology Stories of 2023

My Top Five Biology Stories of 2023

It was a hilarious and fun year in zoology (the study of animals). We saw penises that sting, some very bright birds making nests out of anti-bird spikes, and a…
Is there life in space? Ask an octopus.

Is there life in space? Ask an octopus. It's one thing to point a radio telescope at the sky, but where do you point it? And how can you tell the difference between noise (static) and an…
Science News Quiz #6

Science News Quiz #6

What's the worst that could happen if you hold in a sneeze? Find out with this week's Science News Quiz. This is a fun one.